There are a lot of cool things you can do with Amethyst. Here's what powers it all!
Get Amethyst
*WebSocket Service

Amethyst's main goal is to have an open source, dependency free WebSocket server. We've built an amazing server for you to use free of charge, and it can be set up in just a couple of steps!


With Apache Web Server-style configuration, configuring your instance of Amethyst to do exactly what you want is a breeze!

Absolutely no part of Amethyst nor its contributors are endorsed by the Apache Software Foundation. Contributors are not endorsed unless explicitly stated by the ASF.

Endpoint-specific or server-wide authentication restrictions can be placed on Amethyst so that you can rest assured that your service is safe.

*Command Line Shell

Amethyst comes with a command line shell and scripting language parser that allows you to issue more descriptive commands than "restart this service," and allows you to keep an eye on the traffic your endpoints are receiving!

*Live Data Interface

Amethyst comes with the ability to view all WebSocket connections to different services, along with handshake information, traffic data, etc. Can you guess what this feature is powered with?

* This feature is not currently present in the latest release of Amethyst, though it is currently on the roadmap. If you wish to help in this effort, please consider contributing to our GitHub repository.
Not sold yet?
Thats okay. Amethyst is open source, and licensed with a permissive license, so you can fork it and look at its code to see how it works! All we ask is that you give back what you contribute to your own fork.
GitHub Repository
Got an Idea?

That's great! See how well you do at implementing your idea. Alternatively, if you need help, you can open an issue to get help! If you ever get anything out of it, we ask, not require, that you contribute back to our community! See you on GitHub!